Océane Victor Harbor Logo

Sales Enquiries

Harris South Coast
Sam Forde
0400 666 495

General Enquiries

Kingsley Living


The information contained on this website (https://oceaneliving.com.au/), or any other written or oral information given in connection with the Océane – Victor Harbor Development, (the Information) is not a recommendation to purchase a property in the Océane – Victor Harbor Development (the property), and will not form part of, and must not be relied on to enter, any contract for the purchase of the property.

The Information has been prepared using information derived from a variety of sources. Parts of the Information, including figures, statements, photographs, illustrations and measurements, are indicative or approximate only, and can be subject to change without notice.

SA Property Holdco Pty Ltd ACN 665 861 987 and PIP Investments (Aus) Pty Ltd ACN 116 862 796 (Kingsley Living) make no representation or warranty that the Information is complete, accurate or has been independently verified. Further, Kingsley Living is not required to provide any additional information to correct any apparent inaccuracies or to provide updated information.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, Kingsley Living is not liable for any cause of action or loss or damage incurred by any person in connection with the use, reliance or interpretation of the Information or arising in connection with any misrepresentation in the Information or any negligence on Kingsley Living’s behalf.

If you are considering purchasing the property, you should not rely on the Information. You should satisfy yourself as to the completeness or accuracy of the Information by obtaining independent advice from professional property consultants and your own independent legal, financial and taxation advice.


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Sales Enquiries

Harris South Coast
Chaise McCardle
0405 114 478

General Enquiries

Kingsley Living